Swearing In

Senator Bev Busson, British Columbia

Senator Bev Busson has paved the way for women in the field of policing, marking many Canadian firsts along the way. She was one of the first women to join the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and is the first woman to be named commissioner of the police force. She was also among the first female officers to work undercover and in plainclothes.

She has received many honours for advancing the role of women in law enforcement during her career, including the Order of Canada.

Sworn in on Sept. 27, 2018.


La sénatrice Bev Busson, au centre, est accompagnée de la sénatrice Gwen Boniface et du sénateur Peter Harder dans la Chambre du Sénat lors de sa cérémonie d'assermentation qui a eu lieu le 27 septembre 2018.